
Dallas Fort Worth Foundation Repair

Concrete Slab and Pier and Beam Repairs

Pier and Beam Foundation Repair

A pier and beam foundation has a crawl space underneath the home for access to plumbing. It is a design where a structure sits atop beams, which in turn rest upon piers or stem walls.

Pier & Beam /Crawl Space Work

The piers typically sit on concrete footings, and are evenly spaced underneath the structure to balance the load. The weight of the structure is transferred to the beams, which transfers it to the piers, and so on.  This design includes a crawl space, an open area below the floor, so access is available if issues arise that require repair. Because the pier and beam/crawl space foundations are made of wood, they are susceptible to lumber deterioration over time. In addition, the footings that provide support are generally shallow — and therefore subject to substantial soil movements (relating to changes in the soil’s moisture content).

Problems That Can Occur

These are not the only problems associated with crawl space/pier and beam structures, but they are the most prevalent. The “good” news about repairing and leveling a pier and beam foundation is that it is adjustable by nature of the design and the work can usually be done without relocation of tenants or furnishings.
Pier beam foundation repair by Power Lift Foundation
Since this system is considered a shallow foundation, it is subject to the effects of soil movement. As soil shifts, the structure becomes unlevel and distorted. This movement can occur over long periods of time, or sometimes very quickly.

Soil Movement

Here is what we do:

  • Work to control the soil’s moisture content. It starts with drainage corrections — no water should be allowed to enter the crawl space or stand/accumulate around the exterior of the crawl space. It is imperative that the crawl space remains dry.
  • Encapsulation of the crawl space. This is done by placing a heavy plastic vapor barrier over the ground under the structure and extending it up along the perimeter walls.
  • During periods of prolonged drought, add moisture to the soil. This can be done by utilizing “soaker” hoses periodically.

Pier & Beam Repair Methods

When a crawl space/pier and beam structure experiences deterioration, it is time to replace the wooden members. Typically though, not all of the floor framing system requires replacement, but may be limited to only affected areas.

Replacement of the structural members can often be very complex, and can require temporary shoring to support the structure while damaged materials are being replaced.

Inexperienced companies often choose to add on to the deteriorating members instead of removing and replacing. This can lead to improper load distribution and support of structural members and should be avoided.


Once all deteriorated lumber has been removed and replaced — and steps have been taken to control the soil’s moisture content — the structure can be re-leveled, or “shimmed.”

Perfect results, in terms of floor flatness, are not always practical. This is because the distortion the floor framing system has experienced often has occurred over many years, and the wooden components that make up the floor system have warped and retain a “memory.”

Also, keep in mind that shallow foundation systems are designed to move. Therefore, some fluctuations should be expected.

Pier and beam foundations are susceptible to deterioration, wood rot and damage due to termite or other bug/animal infestation. Rotted wood must be replaced before it causes major damage.

For experienced pier and beam foundation repair it's imperative that we inspect your foundation and enter the crawl space so we can determine the extent of the damage. At this time we can give you an accurate estimate of the required work that will be necessary to bring your foundation back to it's original level state. Call Dallas Fort Worth Foundation Repair at (972) 534-6416 to schedule a free no obligation foundation inspection and estimate. Dallas Fort Worth Foundation Repair  has the expertise and experience to:

  • Re-set and Re-shim your home
  • Repair and replace rotted beams
  • Replace Joists
  • Install piers to stabilize
  • Bring your home to a more level state

Trust the experts at Dallas Fort Worth Foundation Repair to repair your pier and beam foundation. We will bring your home to a more level and stable state.


(972) 961-4100 Office